Join the Club

Joining Weyport Masters

New members are welcome to swim for up to two sessions at a cost of £6 per swim before committing to membership. Once your standing order is set up you will be joined to the SwimEngland and be fully covered by the club insurance provided by being a member.

If you’d then like to join the club, click the link below, print and fill out the form to bring to the next session you attend. Any questions, please get in touch.

Membership form PDF


Tuesdays 19:00 – 20:00
Thursday 19:00 – 20:30
Saturdays 07:45 – 08:45

Membership fees:

There is a £20 joining fee and a twelve month standing order of £15 per month for one session per week or £25 for two or three sessions per week.

There will no longer be an Annual Membership Fee of £35.00 making the above a very attractive proposition for swimmers as your first two or three standing orders just cover this leaving the remaining months to cover a full year of swimming at a very reasonable rate even if you do not swim every week or even all year.

Come along and give it a try.